McDee PT Testimonials

McDee PT Testimonials


“I Have been with McDee Personal Training now for 9 months. My main goal was improve my personal strength and conditioning. I am pleased to say that my 1 rep Max in Barbell bench, Squat and Deadlifts have doubled during my time with Mark. Plus we have a great crack too.  Thoroughly recommended”.


“I joined McDee Personal Training in March 2023. Since then my fitness levels have skyrocketed! I thoroughly enjoy the HIIT sessions. It has even given me the confidence to pursue an amateur boxing career”


“I Have been with McDee Personal Training now for 11 months. I’ve regained a fitness level that I never thought I could get to. Great fun, but really positive results. I feel like I’ve bought a better life, all for the price of a Takeaway! A great gym that gets real results ”


“When I joined McDee Personal Training, my original goal was to lose weight. I went from 80kg down to 65kg over a period of 3 - 4 months and I have never felt fitter. I then set myself a new goal and entered a charity boxing event. Since then, Mark has changed my programming to include Strength and Threshold Training . The sessions are tough, But I definitely feel the benefits”

Anne, Trish, Anne, Christine

“Our initial goal was to simply keep healthy. We started off doing Low impact movements and stretches. As the sessions progressed, we found ourselves getting fitter! We are now regularly doing activities such a Rowing, Boxing and Resistance Training. It has even inspired me to join our local gym!

Thank you Mark” (Anne)

James and Rachel

“Myself and James have been with Mark now for 2 months. What we like about Mark is how he adapts our sessions to our own personal needs. I prefer to do Cardio based workouts, where James prefers more strength and conditioning. Yet Mark’s sessions are tailored for both. He pushes us Hard, but we know its worth it in the end” (Rachel)


“I love my Mountain Trail running. While my Cardio has always been strong, I knew I needed to work on strength. That’s when I decided to join McDee PT. Since then we have been working on my lower body conditioning, incorporating Barbell squats and Deadlifts into my workouts. Hard work, but huge benefits ”


“What I love about Mark’s sessions is the variety. One week I’ll be rowing, the next resistance training, the next Boxing! I love the boxing! The training has literally changed my life. I feel stronger and fitter than I ever have. This has helped me physically and mentally with my demanding job. Keep up the good work Mark ”


“Mark has been running the Colne Engaine Bootcamp since February 2023. Mark makes an effort to make sure no two sessions are the same. Whether its a team or individual workout, the bootcamp is always hard work, but fun too! Come and give it a go ”


“I have been working with Mark since Feb 2023. Initially I wanted to improve my overall fitness. However recently, Mark has been pushing me on Strength and conditioning exercises. This has helped re kindle my love for weightlifting and I’ve seen huge gains in my 1 rep max in Barbell bench press. Only downside…..Mark’s a Liverpool fan! ”


“ I have always enjoyed exercising, however I joined McDee PT looking for a new challenge. Mark first looked to improve my overall fitness. Then, over the next few weeks, Mark has introduced Olympic weightlifting into my workouts. I have never done this style of training before, but I’m loving the challenge ”


“ I can’t recommended McDee PT enough - not only are the personalised workouts brilliant, but he is encouraging, compassionate and gives you a huge amount of confidence in your ability. I hadn’t trained in a while due to back and neck problems and had a lot of anxiety around it - having the reassurance from an experienced PT but also a paramedic made the world of difference. I feel so much better in myself both physically and mentally and I’m hugely grateful! ”

Polly and Lauren

“Our time working with Mark is spent both on Cardio and Strength gains. Mark ensures every session is different and focuses on Full body workouts and compound exercises. We regularly hit a new 1 Rep max, especially in our Deadlift. And Yes….We too enjoy the boxing, although I’m not sure Mark does!



“I attend my Face to Face session every Wednesday and then join Mark every Saturday for his Live Virtual session. Both push me hard, however I feel so much better both physically and mentally after every session. On top of my PT sessions, I now play tennis and run on a regular basis. I have never felt fitter and am enjoying every second”.


“During my time working with Mark at McDee PT my overall fitness has improved. However, what surprised me is how much my general strength has grown. I seem to hit a new PB almost every week, which not only feels great at the time, but also keeps me motivated. The early starts can be tough, but Mark pushes me and we get the work done… the complementary coffee always helps!!!!


“Back in March I decided to invest in my physical Health. I knew Mark from the bootcamp he ran and therefore signed up to McDee PT. I work with Mark on both Cardio and strength, however I’ve discovered that I really enjoy resistance Training. This has helped me in my job, where I regularly have to lift heavy loads. 6am starts are never easy, but we get the work done, which often sets me up for the rest of the day!


“I have been attending the Colne Engaine Bootcamp since Mark took it over. They are always tough sessions, but great fun as well. However, I have recently started working 1 to 1 with Mark in his Fitness studio. Here we work on strength training and like a lot of his clients, I hit new PB’s on a regular basis. We always have a laugh too…..although that beard could do with a trim!


“Every session is different at McDee PT. I never know what I am going to walk into, however I know it will be fun and I’ll get results. I am interested in toning and bodybuilding. Mark focuses the sessions on Resistance training and Time under tension, which for me, gets the best results. I also use the McDee PT App, where Mark can monitor my nutrition and give advice while I’m away from the gym”


“I have always loved the gym and mainly focused on Cardio and Group classes. However I knew I wanted to get stronger. That is when I joined McDee PT. With a heavy emphasise on weight training, I have found myself getting stronger week by week. I also love the Colne Engaine Bootcamp. I get to workout and socialise with some lovely….and Crazy people!!! Great fun ”


“As a busy working mum and nurse practitioner, finding time for exercise is not always easy. However, part of the reason why I joined McDee PT is the flexibility. You have a scheduled 1 to 1 session every week, which can be moved to a different day. You can also join the Bootcamp or log on to a virtual session. Plus there is a whole catalogue of online workouts to choose from. No matter how busy I am, I can always find a way to exercise”